/** * Copyright (c) 2012 Anders Ekdahl (http://coffeescripter.com/) * Dual licensed under the MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) * and GPL (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php) licenses. * * Version: 1.2.7 * * Demo and documentation: http://coffeescripter.com/code/ad-gallery/ */ (function($) { $.fn.adGallery = function(options) { var defaults = { loader_image: 'loader.gif', start_at_index: 0, update_window_hash: true, description_wrapper: false, thumb_opacity: 0.7, animate_first_image: false, animation_speed: 400, width: false, height: false, display_next_and_prev: true, display_back_and_forward: true, scroll_jump: 0, // If 0, it jumps the width of the container slideshow: { enable: true, autostart: false, speed: 5000, start_label: 'Start', stop_label: 'Stop', stop_on_scroll: true, countdown_prefix: '(', countdown_sufix: ')', onStart: false, onStop: false }, effect: 'slide-hori', // or 'slide-vert', 'fade', or 'resize', 'none' enable_keyboard_move: true, cycle: true, hooks: { displayDescription: false }, callbacks: { init: false, afterImageVisible: false, beforeImageVisible: false } }; var settings = $.extend(false, defaults, options); if(options && options.slideshow) { settings.slideshow = $.extend(false, defaults.slideshow, options.slideshow); }; if(!settings.slideshow.enable) { settings.slideshow.autostart = false; }; var galleries = []; $(this).each(function() { var gallery = new AdGallery(this, settings); galleries[galleries.length] = gallery; }); // Sorry, breaking the jQuery chain because the gallery instances // are returned so you can fiddle with them return galleries; }; function VerticalSlideAnimation(img_container, direction, desc) { var current_top = parseInt(img_container.css('top'), 10); if(direction == 'left') { var old_image_top = '-'+ this.image_wrapper_height +'px'; img_container.css('top', this.image_wrapper_height +'px'); } else { var old_image_top = this.image_wrapper_height +'px'; img_container.css('top', '-'+ this.image_wrapper_height +'px'); }; if(desc) { desc.css('bottom', '-'+ desc[0].offsetHeight +'px'); desc.animate({bottom: 0}, this.settings.animation_speed * 2); }; if(this.current_description) { this.current_description.animate({bottom: '-'+ this.current_description[0].offsetHeight +'px'}, this.settings.animation_speed * 2); }; return {old_image: {top: old_image_top}, new_image: {top: current_top}}; }; function HorizontalSlideAnimation(img_container, direction, desc) { var current_left = parseInt(img_container.css('left'), 10); if(direction == 'left') { var old_image_left = '-'+ this.image_wrapper_width +'px'; img_container.css('left',this.image_wrapper_width +'px'); } else { var old_image_left = this.image_wrapper_width +'px'; img_container.css('left','-'+ this.image_wrapper_width +'px'); }; if(desc) { desc.css('bottom', '-'+ desc[0].offsetHeight +'px'); desc.animate({bottom: 0}, this.settings.animation_speed * 2); }; if(this.current_description) { this.current_description.animate({bottom: '-'+ this.current_description[0].offsetHeight +'px'}, this.settings.animation_speed * 2); }; return {old_image: {left: old_image_left}, new_image: {left: current_left}}; }; function ResizeAnimation(img_container, direction, desc) { var image_width = img_container.width(); var image_height = img_container.height(); var current_left = parseInt(img_container.css('left'), 10); var current_top = parseInt(img_container.css('top'), 10); img_container.css({width: 0, height: 0, top: this.image_wrapper_height / 2, left: this.image_wrapper_width / 2}); return {old_image: {width: 0, height: 0, top: this.image_wrapper_height / 2, left: this.image_wrapper_width / 2}, new_image: {width: image_width, height: image_height, top: current_top, left: current_left}}; }; function FadeAnimation(img_container, direction, desc) { img_container.css('opacity', 0); return {old_image: {opacity: 0}, new_image: {opacity: 1}}; }; // Sort of a hack, will clean this up... eventually function NoneAnimation(img_container, direction, desc) { img_container.css('opacity', 0); return {old_image: {opacity: 0}, new_image: {opacity: 1}, speed: 0}; }; function AdGallery(wrapper, settings) { this.init(wrapper, settings); }; AdGallery.prototype = { // Elements wrapper: false, image_wrapper: false, gallery_info: false, nav: false, loader: false, preloads: false, thumbs_wrapper: false, thumbs_wrapper_width: 0, scroll_back: false, scroll_forward: false, next_link: false, prev_link: false, slideshow: false, image_wrapper_width: 0, image_wrapper_height: 0, current_index: -1, current_image: false, current_description: false, nav_display_width: 0, settings: false, images: false, in_transition: false, animations: false, init: function(wrapper, settings) { var context = this; this.wrapper = $(wrapper); this.settings = settings; this.setupElements(); this.setupAnimations(); if(this.settings.width) { this.image_wrapper_width = this.settings.width; this.image_wrapper.width(this.settings.width); this.wrapper.width(this.settings.width); } else { this.image_wrapper_width = this.image_wrapper.width(); }; if(this.settings.height) { this.image_wrapper_height = this.settings.height; this.image_wrapper.height(this.settings.height); } else { this.image_wrapper_height = this.image_wrapper.height(); }; this.nav_display_width = this.nav.width(); this.current_index = -1; this.current_image = false; this.current_description = false; this.in_transition = false; this.findImages(); if(this.settings.display_next_and_prev) { this.initNextAndPrev(); }; // The slideshow needs a callback to trigger the next image to be shown // but we don't want to give it access to the whole gallery instance var nextimage_callback = function(callback) { return context.nextImage(callback); }; this.slideshow = new AdGallerySlideshow(nextimage_callback, this.settings.slideshow); this.controls.append(this.slideshow.create()); if(this.settings.slideshow.enable) { this.slideshow.enable(); } else { this.slideshow.disable(); }; if(this.settings.display_back_and_forward) { this.initBackAndForward(); }; if(this.settings.enable_keyboard_move) { this.initKeyEvents(); }; this.initHashChange(); var start_at = parseInt(this.settings.start_at_index, 10); if(typeof this.getIndexFromHash() != "undefined") { start_at = this.getIndexFromHash(); }; this.loading(true); this.showImage(start_at, function() { // We don't want to start the slideshow before the image has been // displayed if(context.settings.slideshow.autostart) { context.preloadImage(start_at + 1); context.slideshow.start(); }; } ); this.fireCallback(this.settings.callbacks.init); }, setupAnimations: function() { this.animations = { 'slide-vert': VerticalSlideAnimation, 'slide-hori': HorizontalSlideAnimation, 'resize': ResizeAnimation, 'fade': FadeAnimation, 'none': NoneAnimation }; }, setupElements: function() { this.controls = this.wrapper.find('.ad-controls'); this.gallery_info = $('
'); this.controls.append(this.gallery_info); this.image_wrapper = this.wrapper.find('.ad-image-wrapper'); this.image_wrapper.empty(); this.nav = this.wrapper.find('.ad-nav'); this.thumbs_wrapper = this.nav.find('.ad-thumbs'); this.preloads = $(''); this.loader = $(''+ title + desc +'
'); }; return desc; }, /** * @param function callback Gets fired when the image has loaded, is displaying * and it's animation has finished */ showImage: function(index, callback) { if(this.images[index] && !this.in_transition && index != this.current_index) { var context = this; var image = this.images[index]; this.in_transition = true; if(!image.preloaded) { this.loading(true); this.preloadImage(index, function() { context.loading(false); context._showWhenLoaded(index, callback); }); } else { this._showWhenLoaded(index, callback); }; }; }, /** * @param function callback Gets fired when the image has loaded, is displaying * and it's animation has finished */ _showWhenLoaded: function(index, callback) { if(this.images[index]) { var context = this; var image = this.images[index]; var img_container = $(document.createElement('div')).addClass('ad-image'); var img = $(new Image()).attr('src', image.image); if(image.link) { var link = $(''); link.append(img); img_container.append(link); } else { img_container.append(img); }; this.image_wrapper.prepend(img_container); var size = this._getContainedImageSize(image.size.width, image.size.height); img.attr('width', size.width); img.attr('height', size.height); img_container.css({width: size.width +'px', height: size.height +'px'}); this._centerImage(img_container, size.width, size.height); var desc = this._getDescription(image); if(desc) { if(!this.settings.description_wrapper && !this.settings.hooks.displayDescription) { img_container.append(desc); var width = size.width - parseInt(desc.css('padding-left'), 10) - parseInt(desc.css('padding-right'), 10); desc.css('width', width +'px'); } else if(this.settings.hooks.displayDescription) { this.settings.hooks.displayDescription.call(this, image); } else { var wrapper = this.settings.description_wrapper; wrapper.append(desc); }; }; this.highLightThumb(this.images[index].thumb_link); var direction = 'right'; if(this.current_index < index) { direction = 'left'; }; this.fireCallback(this.settings.callbacks.beforeImageVisible); if(this.current_image || this.settings.animate_first_image) { var animation_speed = this.settings.animation_speed; var easing = 'swing'; var animation = this.animations[this.settings.effect].call(this, img_container, direction, desc); if(typeof animation.speed != 'undefined') { animation_speed = animation.speed; }; if(typeof animation.easing != 'undefined') { easing = animation.easing; }; if(this.current_image) { var old_image = this.current_image; var old_description = this.current_description; old_image.animate(animation.old_image, animation_speed, easing, function() { old_image.remove(); if(old_description) old_description.remove(); } ); }; img_container.animate(animation.new_image, animation_speed, easing, function() { context.current_index = index; context.current_image = img_container; context.current_description = desc; context.in_transition = false; context._afterShow(); context.fireCallback(callback); } ); } else { this.current_index = index; this.current_image = img_container; context.current_description = desc; this.in_transition = false; context._afterShow(); this.fireCallback(callback); }; }; }, nextIndex: function() { if(this.current_index == (this.images.length - 1)) { if(!this.settings.cycle) { return false; }; var next = 0; } else { var next = this.current_index + 1; }; return next; }, nextImage: function(callback) { var next = this.nextIndex(); if(next === false) return false; this.preloadImage(next + 1); this.showImage(next, callback); return true; }, prevIndex: function() { if(this.current_index == 0) { if(!this.settings.cycle) { return false; }; var prev = this.images.length - 1; } else { var prev = this.current_index - 1; }; return prev; }, prevImage: function(callback) { var prev = this.prevIndex(); if(prev === false) return false; this.preloadImage(prev - 1); this.showImage(prev, callback); return true; }, preloadAll: function() { var context = this; var i = 0; function preloadNext() { if(i < context.images.length) { i++; context.preloadImage(i, preloadNext); }; }; context.preloadImage(i, preloadNext); }, preloadImage: function(index, callback) { if(this.images[index]) { var image = this.images[index]; if(!this.images[index].preloaded) { var img = $(new Image()); img.attr('src', image.image); if(!this.isImageLoaded(img[0])) { this.preloads.append(img); var context = this; img.load( function() { image.preloaded = true; image.size = { width: this.width, height: this.height }; context.fireCallback(callback); } ).error( function() { image.error = true; image.preloaded = false; image.size = false; } ); } else { image.preloaded = true; image.size = { width: img[0].width, height: img[0].height }; this.fireCallback(callback); }; } else { this.fireCallback(callback); }; }; }, whenImageLoaded: function(img, callback) { if (this.isImageLoaded(img)) { callback && callback(); } else { $(img).load(callback); }; }, isImageLoaded: function(img) { if(typeof img.complete != 'undefined' && !img.complete) { return false; }; if(typeof img.naturalWidth != 'undefined' && img.naturalWidth == 0) { return false; }; return true; }, highLightThumb: function(thumb) { this.thumbs_wrapper.find('.ad-active').removeClass('ad-active'); thumb.addClass('ad-active'); if(this.settings.thumb_opacity < 1) { this.thumbs_wrapper.find('a:not(.ad-active) img').fadeTo(300, this.settings.thumb_opacity); thumb.find('img').fadeTo(300, 1); }; var left = thumb[0].parentNode.offsetLeft; left -= (this.nav_display_width / 2) - (thumb[0].offsetWidth / 2); this.thumbs_wrapper.animate({scrollLeft: left +'px'}); }, fireCallback: function(fn) { if($.isFunction(fn)) { fn.call(this); }; } }; function AdGallerySlideshow(nextimage_callback, settings) { this.init(nextimage_callback, settings); }; AdGallerySlideshow.prototype = { start_link: false, stop_link: false, countdown: false, controls: false, settings: false, nextimage_callback: false, enabled: false, running: false, countdown_interval: false, init: function(nextimage_callback, settings) { var context = this; this.nextimage_callback = nextimage_callback; this.settings = settings; }, create: function() { this.start_link = $(' '); this.stop_link = $(' '); this.countdown = $(''); this.controls = $(''); this.controls.append(this.start_link).append(this.stop_link).append(this.countdown); this.countdown.hide(); var context = this; this.start_link.click( function() { context.start(); } ); this.stop_link.click( function() { context.stop(); } ); $(document).keydown( function(e) { if(e.keyCode == 83) { // 's' if(context.running) { context.stop(); } else { context.start(); }; }; } ); return this.controls; }, disable: function() { this.enabled = false; this.stop(); this.controls.hide(); }, enable: function() { this.enabled = true; this.controls.show(); }, toggle: function() { if(this.enabled) { this.disable(); } else { this.enable(); }; }, start: function() { if(this.running || !this.enabled) return false; var context = this; this.running = true; this.controls.addClass('ad-slideshow-running'); this._next(); this.fireCallback(this.settings.onStart); return true; }, stop: function() { if(!this.running) return false; this.running = false; this.countdown.hide(); this.controls.removeClass('ad-slideshow-running'); clearInterval(this.countdown_interval); this.fireCallback(this.settings.onStop); return true; }, _next: function() { var context = this; var pre = this.settings.countdown_prefix; var su = this.settings.countdown_sufix; clearInterval(context.countdown_interval); this.countdown.show().html(pre + (this.settings.speed / 1000) + su); var slide_timer = 0; this.countdown_interval = setInterval( function() { slide_timer += 1000; if(slide_timer >= context.settings.speed) { var whenNextIsShown = function() { // A check so the user hasn't stoped the slideshow during the // animation if(context.running) { context._next(); }; slide_timer = 0; }; if(!context.nextimage_callback(whenNextIsShown)) { context.stop(); }; slide_timer = 0; }; var sec = parseInt(context.countdown.text().replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''), 10); sec--; if(sec > 0) { context.countdown.html(pre + sec + su); }; }, 1000 ); }, fireCallback: function(fn) { if($.isFunction(fn)) { fn.call(this); }; } }; })(jQuery);